How Not to Be the Favourite Child This Mother's Day: Your Guide to Setting Boundaries

embarrassing, farts, grandmothers day present 0 comments

If your goal this Mother's Day is to avoid claiming the coveted title of "Mum's Favourite," we've got the perfect...

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Marriage saving Bathroom Privacy gadget!

best privacy bathroom gadget, eco melody japan, home improvement 0 comments

So on to google search she goes, popping in all sorts of keywords to try and find a Royal Flushh... but nothing seemed to lead her to my website.
"How to soundproof your toilet", " eco-melody japan", "toilet noise privacy" and "best privacy bathroom noise gadget". Nothing!
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Freedom to let it Fly, Fly Away!

bath hacks, embarrassing, farts 0 comments

There's something to be said for the liberating feeling of letting it fly – you know, having a moment to...

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